$h3 h@t3$ t0 h@v3 br3@k...
c0z it cr3@t3d @ g@p f0r unn3c3$$@ry $tuff t0 cr@wl int0 h3r t0t @g@in...
it w@$ $umwh3r3 in d@ c0rn3r th3r3...
$h3 c@n't $t0p thinking @g@in...
dig up d@ m@tt3r $h3 nvr gt d@ @nsw3R frm...
it'$ d@ rumor...
wtf ppl...
0f @ll d@ ppl$,u @ll m3$$ with h3r...
$uck it up ppl!!
g0 h@v3 ur lif3...
@ guy cl0$3 to @ g@l...
d03$n't m3@n t@t d@ c0nclu$i0n i$ h3 w@nn@ w00 h3r!!
hi$ r3l@ti0n$hip $till @ m3$$ t0 d3@l with...
d3finit3ly h@nging $0m3wh3r3 th3r3...
1 thing f0r $ur3!!
ppl: $h3 @int g0t @ny int3r3$T t0 @ny 0f d@ guy in d@ cl@$$!!
@m n0t t@t d3$p3r@t3 to h00k up @ny guy 3$p frm d@ cl@$$...pl$!!
h3r $0ci@l lif3 @int t@t n@rr0w!!!
u @lL $hud ch3Ck 0ut h3r $0ci@L lif3 & m@yb3 @ft3r t@t u c@n $pr3@d t0 d@ wh0l3 cl@$$ $h3 h@v3 l0t$@ b0yfr3n$!!(for $h3 h@ng 0ut with l0t$@ 0ut$id3r guy fr3n$!!)
h3ll y3@!!
$0 ppl..
$t0p ur im@gin@ti0n & $t0p ur @nt3nn@ functi0n!!
$h3 dun w@nn@ l0$t @n0th3r fr3n...
c0z 0nc3 th3$3 thing $pr3@d...
$h3'll d3finit3ly 3nd up @v0iding...
$h3 did it b4...
g@v3 up @ fr3n j$ f0r d@ $@k3 $0m30n3 t0ld h3r hi$ fr3n w@nn@ w00 h3r...
& t@T $0m30n3 g@v3 up 0n h3r j$ f0r d@ $@k3...wh0 knw$...m@yb3 f0r hi$ fr3n!!
h3@rt@ch3 $till th3r3...
f0r $h3 $till h@nging th3r3...
j$ @v0iding...
@t th3 3nd...
$h3'$ l3ft with @n 3mpty $0ul...
p/$: i r3m@in $il3nc3 d03$n't m3@n t@t i dunn0 @ d@mn thing..if u @r3 my fr3n,j$ dun furth3r m@k3 up d@ $t0ry...i h@t3 rumor$,t@t'$ why i dun g0$$ip 3ith3r!!!$0 dun fucking includ3 m3 in ur g0$$ip & i r3@lly M.3.@.N it!!!
Almost Lover (Remix) - A Fine Frenzy
Your fingertips across my skin
The palm trees swaying in the wind
You sang me Spanish lullabies
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Clever trick
Well, I never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do
We walked along a crowded street
You took my hand and danced with me
And when you left, you kissed my lips
You told me you would never, never forget
These images
Well, I'd never want to see you unhappy
I thought you'd want the same for me
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do
I cannot go to the ocean
I cannot drive the streets at night
I cannot wake up in the morning
Without you on my mind
So you're gone and I'm haunted
And I bet you are just fine
Did I make it that
Easy to walk right in and out
Of my life?
Goodbye, my almost lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream
I'm trying not to think about you
Can't you just let me be?
So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
Should have known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do
it ju$t @ w0rd with bar3ly 6 @lph@b3t$
it c@n b3 $0o bl00dy c0mplic@t3d...
$0m3 ind33d tr3@t u $inc3r3ly..(y3t,how m@ny will t@T b3?)
$0m3 ind33d j$ tr3@t u @$ th3ir t00l t0 g3t w@t th3y w@nt( j$ @dmit it!!)
thn th3y will ditch u f0r $ur3!!
$0m3 $0 c@ll3d $p3ci@l fri3nd,th3y pr0mi$3d th3y will b3 th3r3 f0r u...
d@ pr0mi$3$ j$ v@ni$h lik3 it nvr 3xi$t3d...
t0 think 0f t@T...
will u t0t@lly b3 ign0r@Nt t0 ur fri3nd?
i gu3$$...
if u c@n t0t@lly b3 ignor@nt...
i d0ubt h3/$h3 i$ ur fr3n @nym0r3...
@ p3r$0n t@T u c@r3 will @lw@y$ th3r3 in ur mind n0 m@tt3r h0w h3ctic lif3 u g0t $tuck with...
if h3/$h3 nvr 3v3n cr0$$ ur mind,j$ @dmit t@t u dun giv3 @ d@mn!!
& dun d@r3 to $@y u d0 c@r3...
it w0n't fl0@t if u j$ l3t th3 l3@king h0l3 bigg3r & bigg3r...
3v3n @ minor $cr@tch will l3@d t0 wid3 cr@ck 0n3 d@y...
d@ fri3nd$hip $h@ll $ink...
d@ m3m0ri3$...
p3rh@pz l0ck3d up in it & v@ni$h @$ w3ll...
i t00k r3$0urc3 pl@nning c0ur$3...
th3r3'$ l0t$@ th30ri3$ t0 l3@d @ $u$t@in@bl3 busin3$$...
i$ th3r3 @ny th30ry t0 l3@d @ $u$T@in@bl3 fri3nd$hip??
i d0ubt $0...
thi$ m@tt3r i$ d3finit3ly h3@rtz t0 h3@rtz...
$inc3r3rity i$ d@ f0und@ti0n...
it'$ d3finit3ly n0t @n 3@$Y c0r3 t0 l3@d @ $u$t@in@bl3 fri3nd$hip...
@t l3@$t...
dun ditch...
dun @v0id...
j$ r@i$3 ur gutz & f@c3 it!!
i dun lik3 d@ 0ri p0k3r f@c3...
but thi$ 0n3...
m3 lik3y!!
i gu3$$ thi$ $0ng w@y much b3tt@ in @c0u$tic v3r$i0n..^____^
& l00k @t l@dy g@g@...
g0thic y3t cut3...3$p d@ h@ir!!
thi$ i$ w@t i c@ll lif3...
w0k3 up in d@ middl3 0f d@ d@y n@tur@lly*without @ny @l@rm!!*
d@ butt $tuck 0n d@ ch@ir rit3 infr0nt d@ l@ppi3...
w@tch d@ l@t3$t 3pi 0f $up3rn@tur@l t@T fr3$hly $izzling h0tz d0wnl0@d3d...
upd@t3 w@t3v3r $tuff$ t@T n33d t0 b3 upd@t3d...
g00gl3 w@t3v3r cr@ppy $tuff$ t@T cro$$ m@ mind...*dun @$k m3 w@t,h@H@@*
whil3 tr3@ting m@ 3@r$ with d@ K3nny G $0ng$ @g@In...
d@ $0ng$ i$ $0 d@rn g0rg30u$ with m@ $n0wy...*i lurv3 it $0oo muchi3*^___^
t0t@l r3l@x@ti0n^____^
j$ r3@li$3 m@ hp $till 0ff...
i lurv3 t0 0ff m@ hp th3$3 d@y$...
j$ w@Nn@ @v0id d@ di$turb@nc3 frm him*m@yb3 it'$ c0nc3rn f0r him,but for m3...t@T'$ d3finit3ly @nn0ying!!*
tir3d 0f 3xcu$3$...
$0 might @$ w3ll j$ 0ff it & g3t $0m3 p3@c3 rit3...^____^
lif3 i$ $0oo gr3@t with0ut bug$$$!!!!!!!!!
h0w i wi$h 2d@y c@n b3 @n 3t3rn@l f0r m3...*i kn0w,j$ dr3@m 0n*=___="""
g0tt@ k33p m@ m0tiv@ti0n up...
th3r3'$ 2 m0r3 t3$t$,f3w r3p0rt$ t0 $ubmit & pr3$3nt@Ti0n$ t0 d3@L with...
d@ l0v3ly $n0wy whit3 w00f3r i$ $itting rit3 infr0nt 0f m3^____^V
intr0ducing d@ $0nic g3@r-3v0 7
kind@ "tr@gic" i wud $@y t0 g3t thi$ g@dg3t!!
i b33n w@itting f0r it fr0m n3@rby 0utl3t $inc3 d@ p@$T f3w w33k$...
it j$ $0 fr3@king h@rd t0 g3t @n 3v0 7 whit3 c0l0r!
@cc0rding t0 th3m d@ r@ti0 whit3:bl@ck = 1:100 =__=""
ok..b@c t0 d@ $t0ry...
0ut 0f $p0nt@n30u$ d3ci$i0n y3$t3rd@y...
i d3cid3d t0 @$k m@ h0u$3m@t3 t0 h3lp m3 purch@$3 it @t l0wy@t $inc3 hi$ g0ing th3r3..
gu3$$ W@t!!
d@ "fr@gil3" sn0wy @ctu@Lly "burnt" within 7 min$ @ft3r i 0n it!!!
wtf!! *$w3@t* t@t'$ why i nvr int3nd3d t0 buy $tuff$ @t l0wy@t!!!
j$ 0ut 0f d3$p3r@ti0n!!!
& t@t'$ d@ c0n$3qu3nc3$...
0n ti$ l0v3ly $@t,i h@v3 t0 driv3 @ll d@ W@y t0 t@t $up3rbly c0ng3$t3d @r3@!!
thi$ i$ m@ limit3d w33k3nd which i'm $upp0$3 t0 r3l@x & l@z 0n m@ b3d...
@nyw@y...@t l3@$T i h@d @ gr3@t m3@l @t w3ndy'$...
huhu...w@t @ nic3 1/4p0und$ b33f burg3r...juicy+yummylici0u$^___^
& $up3rbly bl0@t3d m@n!!
@nyw@y g0t b@c @ h3@lthy $n0wy 3v07 dy...
bl@$ting m@ $0ng$ 0ut l0ud...
3@r$ $@ti$f@cti0n m@m@...^___^
kyl3: m@ $n0wy 0ffici@Lly b3@t$ ur w00f3r!!mu@h@H@..btw,bunch 0f th@nk$ f0r @cc0mp@ny m3 & h3lp3d m3 c@rri3d d@ h3@vy $n0wy...@rig@t0!!
h@d m@ r@di0l0gy r0t@ti0n y3$t3rd@y...
b3$id3$ d@ c0mm0n $p3ci3$(c@nin3,f3lin3) t0 t@k3 x-r@y with...
gu3$$ w@t...
w3 h@d @ r@r3 p@ti3nt h3r3...
d@ 3x0tic $p3ci3$-c0lug0 @k@ flying l3mur...
m@Yb3 m0$T 0f y'@ll nvr $33n it b4 rit3...
if it j$ @ l3mur...u might $33n th3m in z00 0r @t l3@$t frm d@ m@d@g@sc@r m0vi3"h3 lik3 t0 m0v3 it m0v3 it..."
ring @ b3ll??
it'$ d@ 3vil n@$ty y3t d@mn cut3 l3mur t@t @lw@y$ cr@v3 f0r d@ king!
@nyw@y..thi$ 0n3 diff n0r..
thi$ flying l3mur dun 3x@ctly fly th0...*j$ f0r d@ $@ck 0f n@m3*
@$ d@ m@tt3r 0f f@ct...
t@T w@$ m@ 1$t tim3 h@ndl3 it @l$0 ^___^lucky huh...
p00r littl3 f3ll@ h3r3 h@ving l3ft f0r3 limb fr@ctur3...
h3@d f0r $urg3ry rit3 @W@y @ft3r d@ X-r@y...
@m lit3r@lly "fr33" n0w!!^____^
c0z m@ m3dicin3 & $urg3ry r0t@ti0n 0ffici@lly c3@$3 f0r ti$ $3m3$t3r...
n0 m0r3 7@m/7pm...
@ctu@Lly i 3nj0y3d d@ l3@rning & tr3@tm3nt 0f d@ @nim@l$...
but j$ wh3n it c@m3 @l0ng with 0th3R$...
it j$ $0 fr3@king tim3 c0n$uming & h3ctic..
d@ $0 n0t pr0f3$$i0n@l v3t t0 b3 =___=""
d@ m0$T 3nj0y@bl3 m0m3nt during d@ r0t@ti0n...
w@lk d@ d0g & 3nj0ying d@ $un$3t..
d@ 0nly f3w minut3$ 0f @ d@y which m@k3$ m3 c@lm & r3l@x...
it w@$ gr3@t t0 $33 ur p@ti3nt h3@l3d & progr3$$ing w3ll...
but it w@$ d3finit3ly h3ll 0f @ $hit m00d wh3n u s@w d@ p@ti3nt di3 & d@ f@mily cri3d $0b3rly in fr0nt 0f u...
m0r3 to c0m3 th0...
g0tt@ r3$t w3ll & k33p it up!!
g3t ur$3lf l0@d3d with h3ll l0@d$ 0f @ctiviti3$(i m3@n r3@lly r3@lly...p@ck3d $ch3dul3)....
1$T 0utc0m3:
u will gr@b wh3n3v3r /wh@t3v3r ch@nc3$ @v@il@bl3 to $l33p..
@,@ which i b33n d0ing $inc3 l@$t w33k...
d@ typic@l $l33p d3priv3d p@nd@ 3y3$ $till h@nging 0n d@ f@c3...
d@ h0ur$ @v@il@bl3 n3v3r 3n0ugh th0...
try pictur3 thi$...
7@m & 7pm(till d@ d0ct0r willing t0 di$ch@rg3 u b@ck) m3dicin3 & surg3ry rot@ti0n 3v3ryd@y(n0 w33k3nd,@int n0 public h0lid@y!!)
+ d@ily l3ctur3$ 8@m-5pm + l0@d$ 0f t3$t$ (w3ll..3 $ubj3ct$ d0wn,4 t0 g0) + r3poRt$ & pr3$3nt@ti0n$!!!
w0nt c0mpl@in much th0...
@m @lw@y$ d@ unlucky 0n3 t0 h@V3 m@ r0t@Ti0n during t3$t$ p3ri0d...
@t l3@$t it'll tr@in m3 w3ll rit3...
@m @lw@y$ d@ h@rd-c0r3 $urviv0r!!!
y3$ b@b3!!!^____^V
2nd 0utc0m3:
@M d0ing w3ll in n0t l3tting d@ unn3c3$$@ry 3m0 thingy bug$ m3...
pr0ud 0f m@$3lf...
@t l3@$t th0$3 $tuff$ n3v3r cr0$$ m@ mind @g@in...
@m l3tting g0 nic3ly...
0ut 0f $ight,0ut 0f mind^____^
3rd 0utc0m3:
0h my...
pl$ $t0p m@ @ddicti0n 0n c@ff3in!!!
i l0$t m@ c0unt 0n h0w m@ny $h0t$ 0f c0ff33 t@t i t00k...
*cr0$$ing fing3r$* @m @ctu@Lly h@ving @ cup 0f h0t c0ff33 b3$id3$ m3 rit3 n0w @t thi$ p@rticul@r m0m3nt =__="""
$imply cudn't r3$i$t d@ @ddictiv3 fr@gr@nc3 0f 0ldt0wn h@z3lnut whit3 c0ff33!!
2 m0r3 d@y$ t0 g0...
& d@ t0rturing r0t@Ti0n $h@ll 3nd$!!
it'$ d@ c0untd0wn!!
To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But
if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can
make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.
To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's about
finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.
To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they
aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart. Never look
in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is
to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works
both ways...
To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED
Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.' Not 'where are you',
but 'I'm right here.' Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.' Not 'I
wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'
To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how
good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to
go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too
persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand,
and get hurt but never keep the pain.
To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but
it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when
someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you
love has no idea how you feel.
To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to
find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not
going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong, mature,
never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish
i h@t3 m@$3lf...
f33ling l0$t.......
d3@r @lmighty L0rd...
pl$ h3lp m3 f0cu$ & gr@nt m3 d@ $tr3ngth & wi$d0m..
$0oooo d0wnnnnnnn & l0$$tttttt........
it'$ m@ d@y!!
c0z it'$ 3/3 @k@ 33 d@y m@h...mu@h@h@...
j$ b3@r with m@ l@m3-n3$$ y3@ ^_____^
r3c3iv3d d@ txt m$g frm "gr@ndp@"
" i'm gl@d th@t u @r3 t@king initi@tiv3 t0 mix @r0und @g@in.k33p up th3 g00d w0rk"
i told him p@rt & p@rti@l 0f m@ t0ught$...
r3g@rding d@ i$$u3...
1$t 0f @ll...
@m w3ll kn0wn 0f n3v3r 3nt3rt@int ppl 3$p wh3n @m n0t in gud m00d...
$inc3 thi$ $3m $t@rt3d m@ m00d nvr b33n g00d...
l0t$@ r3@$0n$ b3n3@th it...
@m 3nc0unt3r-ing $till..>.<
$0 $0rry f0r bringing m@ "l@n $i" m00d t0 cl@$$...
@m gl@d t0 r3c3iv3 d@ pric3l3$$ c0nc3rn frm him...
trying m@ b3$t th0...
@m $till c0n$id3r f@il in d@ $ubj3ct 0f 3m0ti0n...
m@ f@ci@l 3xpr3$$i0n b3tr@y3d m3 3v3ry $igl3 tim3(no f@il)>.<
$0 j$ b3@r with m3 y3@...
@m h@ving $tubb0rn $3lf p3r$0n@lity i gu3$$(t00 b@d)...
p/$: gr@ndp@...th@nk$ f0r pr0t3ct3d m3..but @ft3r m@ fr@gil3 hp dr0p h@rd 0n d@ fl00r...3h3mm...d@ m3mory c@rd c0mp@rtm3nt l00$3n..h@t3 t0 d3@l with thi$ hp pr0b @g@in...h3h3..dun w@nn@ t3ll him c0z h3'll f33l b@d..^___^
0k...g0tt@ h3@d f0r w@rd r0t@ti0n dy...