@rghh...cr@zy in l0v3 with thi$ $0ng n0w....
n33dl3$$ t0 $@y..l30n@ l3wi$ m@ f@v $tr0ng3$T v0c@l $ing3r...
h3r3'$ h3r l@t3$T $ingl3-H@ppy^___^
m3@ningful lyric...kind@ up$3tting f0r d@ titl3 th0...y3t $uit$ m@ m00d..^^
t00 b@d..n0 0ffici@l mu$ic vid30 y3t..

Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose
You cant have everything

Dont you take chances
You might feel the pain
Dont you love in vain
cause love wont set you free

I cant stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy
But safe as could be

So what if it hurts me?
So what it I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge,
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Dont care about all the pain in front of me
I just trying to be happy
I just wanna be happy, yeah

Holding on tightly
just cant let go
just trying to play my role
slowly disappear

But all these days
They feel like theyre theyre same
Just different faces
different place
Get me out of here

I cant stand by the side
Ooh, no
And watch this life pass me by
Pass me by

So what if it hurts me?
So what if i break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge?
my feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
dont care about all the pain in front of me
Im just trying to be happy

Oh, happy

So when it turns that I can see???
what kind of stranger's on this road but don't say victim
Dont say anything

So what if it hurts me?
So what if I break down?
So what if this world just throws me off the edge?
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place
I wanna hear my sound
Dont care about all the pain in front of me
I just wanna be happy
I just wanna be
I just wanna be

d@ h0lid@y i$ m@rching t0 it'$ t3rmin@l $t@Ti0n...
$h3 wi$h $h3 c@n 3xt3nd d@ h0lid@y & 3xc@p3 t0 $0m3wh3r3 3l$3...

m3$$y m00d....
w@y p@$$ h3r c0mf0rt Z0n3 f0r d@ 1$t tim3 in h3r lif3....
y3t,3nd up with n0thing 3xc3pt b@d impr3$$i0n...
b3ing d@ tru3 h3r i$ w@t $h3 @lw@y$ 3mbr@c3 with...
f0r $H3 h@t3 f@k3r$...
$h3'$ ind33d $c@ry @nyw@y...
but u dunn0 d@ r3@$0n b3n3@th it...

if $h3 d3cid3d t0 w@lk @w@y p3rm@n3ntly...
will u 3v3r r3gr3t??
$h3 h@v3 bl00d pumping thru h3r h3@rt & v3in$ $@m3 @$ u...

h3@rt br3@king p@in j$ $0o d@rn h@rd t0 b3@r with...

c@nt t@k3 it @nym0r3 f0r it'$ m3nt@lly & $0ul t0rturing....

3$c@p3-ing w@$ ur d3ci$i0n....

th3n $h3 $h@ll pr0c33d with h3r 0wn lif3...

it'$ tim3 t0 wr@p up d@ pi3c3$ & m0v3 0n....

0ut 0f $ight,0ut 0f mind...
$h3 l3ft f0r g00d & $h3'll b3 gr3@t!!

h3h3..h3r3'$ d@ upd@t3 f0r m@ h0lid@y-inn f0r d@ p@$t f3w d@y$..
$t@rt3d with d@ g3nting trip wif kyl3,thn m3t up r@tty & n3w fr3n$-th0m@$ & m@y f0r d@ 0utd00r th3m3 p@rk...*ph3w..p3ning gil@k!!*

& gu3$$ W@t!! incid3nt@l finding!!
mich3@l j@ck$0n @liv3!!
mu@h@...j$ kidding l@..
it w@$ @ctu@lly d@ MJ 0f @$i@-J0rd@n $@m $p3ci@l @pp3@r@nc3 @t g3nting f0r hi$ th3 0n3 c0nc3rt-tribut3 t0 d@ l@t3 MJ...
ful@m@k...ch3ck 0ut d@ pic...

h3 l00k$ 3x@ctly lik3 MJ..*@ much h@nd$0m3 & Y0ung MJ 0f c0$...*
p/$: h3 $m3ll$ g00d..^^h@h@...lucky m3 huh...t00 b@d,ky w3nt b@ck 3@rli3r..but i g@v3 him d@ p0$t3r with hi$ $ign@tur3..

pr0c33d-ing wif d@ $p0nt@n3ou$ trip t0 d@ hi$t0ric@l t0wn-m3l@cc@...
b33n t0 m3l@cc@ f3w tim3$..
y3t,thi$ 0n3 t0t@lly diff3r$ f33l th0...
p3rh@pz diff3r3nt g@ng & it w@$ n3@rly nit3...
ph3w...r3@lly br3@tht@king d@ m3l@cc@'$ nit3 $tr33t$...
p3rf3ct vi3w f0r ph0t0 $h00ting...
r3@lly 3nj0y3d muchi33 th3r3...& m@n@g3 t0 gr@b d@ f@m0u$ chick3n ric3 b@ll & ny0ny@ c3nd0l @g@in..^____^
h0w i wi$h th3 m3l@cc@ @unty c@n d@b@0 for m3 d@ c3ndol..*hint hint*

@ft3r m3l@cc@,h3@d $tr@ight t0 p3n@ng with d@ r@t...
kind@ 3xh@u$t3d..but gu3$$ p@rtly du3 t0 d@ h3@d $pinning 3ff3ct fr0m d@ th3m3 p@rk 3@rli3r...@_@
hmm...n0thing fancy b0ut d@ trip..
gu3$$ b3$id3$ sh0pping & h@ng 0ut & m3t up f3w n3w $ibu fr3n$...
d@ m0$t m3m0r@bl3 p@rt i$ h3lp3d 0ut r@tty @t hi$ ind33d $up3rbly f@m0u$ @$@m l@k$@ $t@ll...
0mg!! d@ cr0wd j$ k3pt fl0wing & 00zing t0 d@ $h0p....
$c@ry!!!!!!!!!h@H@....y3t,h@d fun th0...ind33d @ nic3 X'p3ri3nc3^^
d@ br3@tht@king vi3w @r0und $un$3t fr0m hi$ h0u$3....

w3ll..b@ck t0 $3rd@ng dy...
@unty i$ @r0und...^^
& i g0t @ll m@ f@vourit3 f00d fr0m h0met0wn...
w3nt f0r @ $lurppi3 lunch d3light with d@ @unty & h3r hubby...
& y3@h...fin@lly i g3t t0 try d@ @lw@y$ j@m-p@ck3d r3$t@ur@nt in G@rd3n...
d@ t@iw@n cui$in3-F0ng Ly3
$up3rbly d3liciou$....
thn pr0c33d t0 d@ $h0pping-which m3@n$ it'$ tim3 f0r m3 t0 g3t m0r3 pr3$$i3...
mu@h@h@....c@m3 b@ck with f3w big b@ggi3$...includ3$ t0p$,$uppl3m3nt-Ginkgo,f00d,3tc...^___^V
r3@lly h@d fun $h0pping wif h3r...h3@rtz h3r...

0hy@...& i @ccid3nt@lly @d0pt3d d@ g0ld ring fr0m m@ @unty...^^
h3r3 it i$....

mu@h@h@....i f33l $0 c0nt3nt3d!!
r3@lly @ gr3@t d@y f0r mu@...
m@ mood will @lw@y$ b3 lift3d w@y up high wh3n3v3r @r0und with ppl$ wh0 l0v3 m3 much!!!

h@d d@ rumin@nt r0t@ti0n l@$t w33kd@y$...
j$ w@nn@ $h@r3 d@ pic$ 0f d@ 120kg d33r fr0m 0ur v3ry 0wn TPU-d33r unit in UPM..
t@t big f3ll@ r3quir3d 6 ppl$ t0 r3$tr@int him*pr@ctic@lly j$ n33d t0 h0ld him d0wn t0 d@ fl00r,with l0t$@ 3ff0rt!!*
ind33d @ $tr0ng guy which d@ @c3pr0m@zin3 n0t 3v3n @bl3 t0 c@lm him!!
& d@ r3$ult...$igh...h3 l3ft @ p@tch 0f "blu3-bl@ck" 0n m@ f00t @$ d@ r3$ult 0f hi$ "@w3$0m3full" kick!! =___=

hmm...p3r$0n@lly @d0r3 thi$ pic..i t00k fr0m @ $m@ll g@p wh3r3 d@ d33r $upp0$3 t0 c@lm d0wn in d@ d@rk r00m.

h@d thi$ $m3lly m@gg0t w0und 0n d@ h0rn..p00r guy!!

initi@lly pl@nn3d t0 tr3@t d@ big f3ll@ in d@ chut3,but d@ h0rn w@$ w@y t00 wid3 t0 p@$$ d@ chut3..p00r thing h@d t0 r3v3r$3 b@ck t0 d@ d@rk r00m * wif @ n3w bl00dy w0und r3$ult3d fr0m d@ tr@um@ wif d@ @gr33$$Iv3 b@ng-ing in d@ chut3*..

h@h@...j$ r3@li$3d t@T i didnt 3v3n upl0@d d@ $urpri$3 bd@y c3l3br@ti0n f0r @unty f3lin3...
h3r3'$ d@ pic$..
which f3lin3 r3fu$3d t0 upl0@d in h3r Fb c0z h3r p@th3tic 3xh@u$t3d f@c3 + $m3lly ^___^
*$h3 g0nn@ kill m3 f0r ti$*mu@h@h@...
f3lin3: n0 w0rri3$ k,m@ bl0ggi3 i$ @ Strictly R-f0r d@ R3$trict3d z0n3^^

pr3$3nting d@ $@r@w@ki@n-33,$@b@h@n-ky,m3l@k@ @unty & h3r h0n3y b3@r-p3n@ng ki@ + @h mi@0-m@d3 in chin@ k@h? =___=""":

d@ "@h mi@0" fr0m mu@...h0pefully d@ n3ck $till @tt@ch t0 d@ b0dy & h3@d +___+

wif h3r "blur"h0n3y b3@r..bur$t 0ut f3w =___=""" l@ught3r bc0z 0f hi$ typic@l blurr-n3$$

mmm...d@ $lurppi3 browni3$

hmm...j$ h@d D m0$t r3l@xin w33k3nd..
$@ti$fi3d t0 d@ m@x...^___^
c0z m@n@g3 to Zzz $y0k2...
Fini$h3d w@rd r0t@ti0n$,CC $3ttl3d..w@t 3l$3 c@n i @$k f0r...
ph3w...w@t @ gr3@t r3li3f!!
y3t,t3$T 2 @ppr0@ching..=___=""
@nticip@ting d@ $00n-t0-b3 r@y@ h0lid@y t0 h@v3 @ gr3@t R & R..
w3ll..j$ g0nn@ upl0@d $0m3 pic$ t0 k33p it in m@ bl0ggi3$...

0n m@ clinic@l c0nf3r3nc3 3ntitl3d "F3lin3 L3uk3mi@ Viru$ @ss0ci@t3d Lymph0$@rc0m@ in @ c@t"
w@t @ m3m0r@bl3 15 min$ 0f "t@chyc@rdi@" during d@ pr3$3nt@ti0n...

T3lm@ b@b3 wh0 h3lp3d m3 r3li3v3 m@ t3n$3 $h0uld3r vi@ h3r gr3@t m@$$@g3!!

f3m@l3 Presenter$ 0f d@ d@y..mi$$ing d@ 0nly guy 0f d d@y th0..

d@ c@t & @wM@ gr@ndp@ J0$hu@ ^^
& i did $0m3thing hil@ri0u$ 0n d@ $t@g3 by m3nti0ning J0$h in$t3@d 0f m@ c@t'$ n@m3!! m@luny@ @ku!!!

N3xt,d@ $tudi0 pic$ 0f br0 c0nv0..
hmm..@ t3@ch3r in d@ f@mily..=__=

T00 b@d..lil $i$ mi$$ing..

Pr0ud m0mmy...^^

m0r3 ph0t0$??
ch3ck 0ut m@ f@c3b00k...^___^

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