it'$ d@ n3w $3m3$t3r!!

fin@lly th3 t0p r@nk-ing sl@ck3r i$ b@ck t0 thi$ bl0gging c0mmunity...
my my....
ch3ck 0ut d@ l@$t d@t3 i upd@t3d..
2 fr3@king m0nth$ @g0...=___="""
w3ll,i'll j$ byp@$$ m@ h0lid@y$ & pr@ctic@l$.. j$ t00 0utd@t3d-t0-b3-upd@t3d..^____^

d@ n3w $3m3$t3r j$ kick-$t@rt3d...
gr33ting$ t0 DVM 5!!!
huhu...@m @ $up3r $3ni0r n0w..*$till finding d@ f33l th0*
$0 n0t r3@dy f0r it....
l00k @t d@ 1$t yr junior$!...$0 y0ung & "inn0c3nt"^___^

thi$ w33k @int g0nn@ b3 much h@pp3ning....
j$ littl3 bit 0f thi$ & th@t...r3p0rt$ & bri3fing$...
which m3@n$ d@ h3ll-h3ctic lif3 0fficially $t@rting n3xt w33k...
clinic@l r0und$,clinic@L c0nf3r3nc3,l0@d$ 0f r0t@ti0n$,3tc.......
if i r3@lly li$t @ll 0ut...@m g0nn@ w@ll0w in $3lf-pityn3ss @g@in...

@ctu@lly @m multi-t@$king @g@in...
m$n ch@tting/bl0gging/upd@ting $tuff$/d0wnl0@ding/$m$-ing....
n0t b@d huh...^_____^

l@$tly,j$ w@nn@ t@k3 thi$ opp0rtunity t0 c0ngr@t3 m@ d@rling d0ry d@ fish-d0ri$
$h3 g0t h3r m@$t3r in UPM!!
h3h3...$0 gl@d u $till @r0und...
& @cc0rding t0 h3r...
UPM m@yb3 *m0$t pr0b@bly* h@$ d@ H1N1 c@$3....
i j$ wi$h d@ bl00dy n@$ty viru$ d0n't inv@d3 furth3r....

@$ u c@n $33..wh3n u @r3 multi-t@$king...
ur p0$t j$ g0nn@ b3 @ pi3c3 0f thi$ & th@t+___+
k33p in t0uch m@ f3ll0w bl0gg3r$...
mi$$ y3@ @lll....^____^


haha, miss u a lot too... almost 2 month u r missing from this blogs community. I think i have same feeling with u when I saw my junior, they r damn young and innocent . time flies by , so we just need to appreciate what belonging now and happy everyday no matter what thing happened

July 7, 2009 at 10:06 PM  

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