d@ d3ci$i0n...

d@ h0lid@y i$ m@rching t0 it'$ t3rmin@l $t@Ti0n...
$h3 wi$h $h3 c@n 3xt3nd d@ h0lid@y & 3xc@p3 t0 $0m3wh3r3 3l$3...

m3$$y m00d....
w@y p@$$ h3r c0mf0rt Z0n3 f0r d@ 1$t tim3 in h3r lif3....
y3t,3nd up with n0thing 3xc3pt b@d impr3$$i0n...
b3ing d@ tru3 h3r i$ w@t $h3 @lw@y$ 3mbr@c3 with...
f0r $H3 h@t3 f@k3r$...
$h3'$ ind33d $c@ry @nyw@y...
but u dunn0 d@ r3@$0n b3n3@th it...

if $h3 d3cid3d t0 w@lk @w@y p3rm@n3ntly...
will u 3v3r r3gr3t??
$h3 h@v3 bl00d pumping thru h3r h3@rt & v3in$ $@m3 @$ u...

h3@rt br3@king p@in j$ $0o d@rn h@rd t0 b3@r with...

c@nt t@k3 it @nym0r3 f0r it'$ m3nt@lly & $0ul t0rturing....

3$c@p3-ing w@$ ur d3ci$i0n....

th3n $h3 $h@ll pr0c33d with h3r 0wn lif3...

it'$ tim3 t0 wr@p up d@ pi3c3$ & m0v3 0n....

0ut 0f $ight,0ut 0f mind...
$h3 l3ft f0r g00d & $h3'll b3 gr3@t!!


Embrace and hugs~

September 27, 2009 at 4:50 AM  

what was happening?
I think that is the way We are ..
We just hate those faker who just know how to fake themselves and try to become a better person in front all of us. In the end, they got nothing but just in pain!

Cheer for your better life...

I need to move on too...for my next chapter of my life...


September 29, 2009 at 11:16 PM  

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