0h g0$h...my p00r l0ng @b@nd0n3d bl0ggi3!!
gu3$$,i $Till n33d ur pr3$3nc3 t0 3xpr3$$ @ll my d@mn $hit 3m0ti0n!!
tir3d...d@mn 3xh@u$t3d..
phy$ic@lly & m3nt@lly...
phy$ic@lly c0z b33n c0ntinu0$Ly h@ving $m@ll @nim@l w@rd$ r0t@ti0n n0n-$t0p..
i gu3$$ i 3v3n m@n@g3 t0 $h3d 0ff f3w 3xtr@ p0und$ 0f @dip0$3 ti$$u3...
m3nt@lly wi$3...
i'm d@mn fucking pi$$3d 0ff vi@ th3 @ttitud3 0f my gr0upm@T3$...
p3rh@pzz it'$ m0r3 0f di$@pp0intm3nt...
it'$ b33n $0oo d@Mn l0ng $inc3 i 3nc0unt3r $uch f33ling..
i f3lt b3tr@y3d...
i f3lt i$0l@t3d vi@ th3 0nly 2 ppl$ that i c@n tru$T in my gr0up...
it'$ @ d@mn $m@rt m0v3 by th@t bi@tch t0 j0in f0rc3 with @n0th3r m0r0n t0 influ3nc3 th3 r3$T & @g@in$T m3 !!
@ll thi$ whil3 i h@V3 b33n $t@nd up f0r th3m..
but thi$ i$ w@T i g3t...
w@t @n ir0ny j0k3!!! t0 l@ugh 0r t0 cry??
w3ll, i $tupidly cri3d n0n-$top wh3n i $pill3d it 0ut to my b@b3...
it did hurtz m3 lik3 m@d...
c0z i did c@r3 b0ut th3m....
but th@t $Udd3n brut@l l00k 0n th3ir f@c3, th3ir $t@ring & gl@nc3...
it chill3d my h3@rt...
& t0 $pic3 thing$ up...
i gu3$$ th@t bi@tch r3@lly d@rn 3ffici3nt in $pr3@ding rum0ur$ & influ3nc3 th3 wh0l3 w@rd$ $Tud3nt$...
@nti m3 huh??
@m n0t d3@f n0r blind!!!
if u kn0w m3,@m pr3tty g00d in $3n$Ing & 0b$3rv@nt...
th0$3 $Tupid0 ppl$ judg3 ppl with0ut digging 0ut th3 truth!!
i try h@rd n0t t0 c@r3...
j$ n33d $0m3 tim3 t0 dig3$T it..
0n3 thing f0r $ur3..
$00n3r 0r l@T3r, u @ll $h@ll $uck it @LL up!!
i kn0w ju$Tic3 i$ th3r3 f0r m3!!
i w0nt b3 d3f3@t3d by ppl$ th@t p0$$3$ @n 3vil-d3m0nic h3@rt!!!
i d0 my 0wn thing$....
ju$t dun $t3p 0n my n3rv3...
p3rh@pz u ppl$ ju$T j3@l0u$ & @fr@id i'll b3 b3tt3r th@n u @ll?!
*i kn0w i c@N d0 my w0rk w3ll c0z i dun d3vi@T3 my f0cu$ 0n $3tting tr@p & fr@m3 0th3r$ t0 l3t h3r f@ll*
c0z if i'm n0t g00d, d0ct0r$ w0nt 3v3n 0ff3r m3 m@$t3r $tudy & @l$0 @$k3d m3 t0 @pply UVH t0 w0rk with th3m in the w@rd$??!!!
h0w'$ th@t??!!
h3ll ppl$....if u $c@r3d, why d0n't f0cu$ m0r3 0n ur w0rk in$T3@d 0f putting $0 much 3ff0rt t0 d3gr@d3 0th3r ppl??
i dun 3v3n b0th3r t0 $uck up 0n d0ct0r$ n0r dr@wing @tt3nti0n t0 my$3lf...
i'm ju$T b3ing my$3lf!!!
pl$ cut m3 $0m3 $l@ck!!!!
@m @ d@mn $tr@ight typ3 0f g@l..
u dun 3xp3ct m3 t0 pr3t3nd t0 b3 j0k3 0r fun-ch@tting with u if i $3ri0u$ly dun think u @r3 @ kind h3@rt3d ppl...
0nly u @ll l0v3 t0 f@k3 @r0und kn0wing u @r3 h@Ting 3@ch 0th3r* i'm $till w0nd3r-Ing h0w th3y @ctu@lly c@n b3 $0 d@mn g00d @t it*
p3rh@pzz th3y @r3 b0rn @ct0r$,t00 b@d th@t i dun h@v3 th3 g3n3 in my f@mily*pr@i$3 th3 L0rd*
th@t'$ ju$T m3...
l@ck 0f $p33ch $imply m3@n-Ing t@t i dun w@nn@ h@v3 @ d@mn thing t0 d3@l with u & i d0 h0p3 th3 $@m3 g03$ with u...
why tho$3 ppl$ ju$T k33p $t3p 0n my n3rv3!!!
fuck 0ff ppl$!!!
thi$ i$ w@t i h@t3 $00 much 0f $0 c@ll3d "$m@rt & int3llig3nt" ppl$!!!
i gu3$$ th3y $m@rt in @ wr0ng w@y t00!!!
"ki@$u" $pirit i$ lik3 p3n3tr@ting d33p int0 th3ir b0n3$ t00!!!
$3ri0u$Ly,th3y @r3 $piritu@lly r3t@rt3d!!!
b3 m3rcy ppl$....
0nly if 3v3ry0n3 willingly t0 $h@r3 & l3@rn p3@c3fully*i d0ubt th@T 3v3r h@pp3n3d*
5 y3@r$....
0hh m@n...gu3$$ c0mp3titiv3 3nvir0nm3nt c@n trigg3r$ ppl$ d0 r3dicul0u$ $tuff$ t0 h@rm 0th3r$!!
& n0w i'm th3 victim!
lucky m3 huh!!
j$ h3@rtbr3@k-Ing & m3nt@lly t0rtur3-Ing..
3 m0r3 r0t@Ti0n!
ju$t 3 m0r3...
i g0tt@ $T@nd $tr0ng & $hi3ld my$3lf....
@t l3@$t i $till h@v3 my tru3 fri3nd$*th@nk Y0u L0rd*
hey , 33
how are u there ?
long time u did not update your blogs... I just saw it today and just knew how fucked up your life now. I think in this world , we are haunted with those cheap people who always like to bring us down, but it s okay for us . when they try to bring us down , then we will become really strong. We believe in ourself, we have our own faith , we r being ourself and don need to care what the fuck they try to say about us. Because they don know how to cope with their problems , so they are became retarded and idiot person and try to blame others. Haha, feel ashamed for themselves.
Stay strong and try your best to prove them fucking wrong! I also damn hate those KIASU people.
My life is kinda horrible for me right now. I can't beinga permissive peron . I have to fight and fight for everything..haha.. Come drops me some comments when u free :)
chuck said...
March 17, 2010 at 5:07 PM