m@ $3m 2 4th y3@r 0ffici@lly $t@rt3d...
$0 n0t in d@ m00d...>.<
w3nt t0 cl@$$ with m@ $up3r bizz@r3 h@ir$tyl3^___^
it w@$ bl00dy p@inful...
h@h@..cr@zy 33!!

it's fun t0 d0 cr@zy $tuff n0r...^___^

cl@$$ 3nd3d @r0und 11@m++
w3nt t0 t@k3 m@ lunch which i$ m@ f@v "p@n m33"
mi$$ it $0 much @ft3r 2 m0nth$ n3v3r g0t th3 ch@nc3 t0 3@t it...^___^
m@n@g3 t0 t0p up $0m3 $t@ti0n3ri3$ b3f0r3 h3@d h0m3...
@m @lw@y$ h@v3 th3 t3nd3ncy t0 l0$t @ll m@ p3n$ thru 0ut th3 $3m...=__=""

$p3nd d@ 3v3ning cl3@n up m@ r00m @ft3r @ nic3 n@p...
fin@lly m@ rum i$ tidy & cl3@n...

w@$ in d@ m00d t0 wr@p d@ $0uv3nir$ t0 m@ fr3n$...
h3r3'$ d@ s0uv3nir$ f0r th3m...

g0nn@ b3 @ "$@nt@" givin 0ut pr3$3nt 2m0r0...

d0 h0p3 c@n f@ll $l33p 3@rli3r l@t3r...
@m $3ri0u$ly n33d m0r3 qu@lity $l33p...@__@


d@mn tir3d...
r3@ch3d kl in th3 3v3ning...
i didn't h3@d $tr@ight t0 m@ h0u$3...
ju$t f3lt lik3 g0ing 0ut...
h@ng 0ut with 0th3r$...
& h@v3 $up3r r@nd0m & cr@zy $h0pping...
m@n@g3 t0 $p3nd rm200++ in b@r3ly 2 hr$..

n0t sur3 w@t'$ m3$$ing in m@ h3@d...
it w@$ $0 n3@r y3t $0 f@r...
f3lt di$@pp0int3d @t 1st...
pr3tty $00n @ft3r t@t...
f3lt r3li3f...
w3ird n0r...
fin@lly g0t th3 @n$w3r...
$h@ll m0v3 0n with0ut @ny r3gr3t...
thi$ tim3...
@m $ur3 c@n l3t it p@$$ & p@$t...

@ll i n33d i$...
t@k3 @ l0ng dur@ti0n 0f g00d qu@lity $l33p...
it'$ g0nn@ b3 @ br@nd n3w d@y 2m0r0...
g@mb@t3h n3h...^___^

w0k3 up 5@m++ @t $@b@h...
l@nd3d kl @r0und 3pm...
r3@ch $3rd@ng 6pm++...
f@int3d t0 $33 d@ "w3ll k3pt" h0u$3...>.<
i hv @ "cl3@n" h0u$3m@t3 th0...
@m dizzy t0 $33 furth3r...
h3@d3d $tr@ight t0 m@ r00m...
h@d @ quick b@th...
thn w3nt 0ut dinn3r with m@ fr3n..
hd @ bri3f $h0pping...
w@tch3d Tr@n$p0rt3r 3...*p3r$0n@lly pr3f3r tr@n$p0rt3r 2 b3tt3r th0*
c0z @ littl3 t00 3x@gg3r@t3 f0r ti$ n3w 0n3...
b@c h0m3 @r0und 1@M++...
h@lf l3th@rgic...

$till @bl3 t0 ch@t with him...
& @rgu3 furth3r m0r3...>.<
win-win $itu@ti0n th0...

gl@d t0 h@v3 m@ b@b3 6500 b@c...^__^
$l3pt @r0und 3@M...
w0k3 up $udd3nly @r0und 5.30@m...
d@mn blurr @t t@t v3ry m0m3nt...
c0z i w@$ in d@ d@rk...
$udd3nly f3lt $0 c0nfu$3 wh3r3 th3 h3ll i w@$!!
0nly l3ft m@ r00m f0r 1 m0nth...
gu3$$ i w@$ h@lf @w@k3...
"gud" n3w$...
@m @w@k3 rit3 @ft3r t@t till n0w...
fru$t l@...
i w@nn@ $l33p but c@nt!!!
ch3ck 0ut @ll d@ $0uv3nir$ t@t i b0t @t $@b@h...
gt di$$@p0int3d @g@in...
b0t 2 h@ndm@d3 w@tch3$...
1 0f th3m r0$@k!!!

t@t'$ m@ uniqu3 w@tch...

l0t$@ thing$ t0 $3ttl3...
g0tt@ h3@d t0 l@ngk@wi l@t3r...
l3@ving @r0und 5pm++...
nit3 flight...
th3r3 g03$ m@ @n0th3r nit3...
b3t g0nn@ 3nd up $l33pl3$$ @g@in...
c0z g0nn@ b3 @n0th3r f0r3ign b3d @g@in!!!
w@t @ gr3@t m@r@th0n lif3 t@t 33 i$ h@ving...
wi$h m@ 0wn$3lf luck...
m@y @lmighty G0d l3@d m@ w@y...^___^

.........t0 b3 c0ntinu3.........

3ll0 ppl!!
33 i$ b@c...
fin@lly g0t d@ 0pp0rtunity t0 l3@v3 $0m3 print$ 0n m@ l0ng @b@nd0n3d bl0g...^__^
@m $till @t th3 "n3g3ri b@w@h b@yu"
quit3 @n intr3$ting pr@ctic@l h3r3...
c0z w3 g0t th3 0pp0rtunity t0 j0in d@ progr@mm3$ which involv3 f3w g0@t f@rm$ & p0ultry f@rm @$ w3ll...
fin@lly i h@d 3xp3ri3nc3 d@ strict bios3curity 0f d@ br33d3r p0ultry f@rm...
d@ c0nclu$i0n i$...
1 w0rd ---> C0nViCT!!!
d@ m0m3nt w3 fini$h3d d@ b@th n ch@ng3 int0 their f@rm'$ @ttir3 which w@$ t0t@lly 0v3r$iz3...
3v3ry0n3 l@ugh hil@ri0u$ly...
d@ $itu@ti0n r3@lly m@d3 u$ f33l lik3 w3 @r3 d@ c0nvict$...
b33n l0ck3d in$id3 @ $m@ll building b3hind d@ m3t@l g@t3 t0 g3t ch@ng3d...
th3n t0 r3l3@$3 int0 th3ir @r3@ @ft3r t@t...
it'$ lik3 u c@n 0nly $33 d@ "light 0f h0p3" d@ m0m3nt th3 g@t3 i$ 0p3n...
w@t @ bizz@r3 3xp3ri3nc3!!!

@ctu@lly l0t$@ thing$ t0 $h@r3 thr0ugh0ut thi$ pr@ctic@l...
3$p3ci@lly m@ @n0th3r $urpri$3 bd@y c3l3br@ti0n...
g0tt@ sh@r3 n3xt tim3 th0...
c0z @ctu@lly i w@$ giv3n p3rmi$$i0n t0 onlin3 by d@ 0ffic3r h3r3..
h@h@..curi-curi puny@...
th3y @r3 $0 nic3 t0 m3!!
g0tt@ $t@rt w0rk n0w...
b0ring l@b w0rk...
pr@ying f0r m0r3 c@rc@$$ t0 c0m3...
$0 t@t w3 c@n d0 d@ p0$t m0rt3m in$t3@d 0f l@b...^__^
ci@0 f0r n0w...


Natasha Bedingfield - Angel.mp3 -

@n0th3r nic3 $0ng t@t i wud lik3 t0 $h@r3..
i b3t guy$ g0nn@ lik3 ti$ $0ng...
& fr0m d@ $urv3y...
h@h@,guy$ h@t3 b3y0nc3-if i w3r3 @ b0y...
hum@n b3ing$ t3nd n0t t0 @dmit th3ir f@ult rit3??^___^

@ctu@lly it'$ d@ b3@t$ t@t c@tchy t0w@rd m@ 3@r$...
uniqu3 ^__^
th3n it'$ d@ lyric...
w3ird th0...
@ctu@lly d@ lyric link m@ t0ught t0 $0m3thing...
d@ $0ng i$ @b0ut b3c0m3 d@ sh3lt3r 0f h3r m@n & $t@nd up f0r h3r guy...
t@t'$ d@ r0l3 which @ l0ving c0upl3 shud pl@y rit3?
& i b3li3v3 tru3 l0ving c0upl3 i$ d0ing t@t...^__^
h0w b0ut @ $plit c0upl3?
3v3nth0 b0th 0f th3m n0t d@ $h3lt3r f0r 3@ch 0th3r @nym0r3...
but,d@ l3@st t@t th3y c@n d0...
pl$ d0n't 3v3r in$ult 0r d3gr@d3 ur 3x...
3ith3r $tr@ight t0 d@ f@c3 0f ur 3x n0r t0 ur fr3n$...
3v3n w0r$t,i $@w d@ purp0$3 0f $0m3 bl0gg3r i$ t0 c0nv3y th3ir in$ult t0 th3ir 3x...
pl$ d0nt...
n0 m@tt3r h0w $uck$ 0r pi$$3d r3@$0n$ t@t c@u$3$ d@ br0k3 up...
Ju$t @cc3pt it & m0v3 0n...
c0z d@ 0n3 w@$ ur l0v3 0n3 b4...
& d@ r3$p3ct $hud $t@y th3r3...

qu0t3d fr0m r@tty'$ p0$t...

i think t@t'$ d@ l3@$t t@t @ br0k3n c0upl3 $hud d0 rit3...
ju$t k33p d@ b@d m3m0ry t0 ur$3lf & m0v3 0n...
but,i b3li3v3...
if u r3@lly truly l0v3 b4...
u $hud th@nx ur 3x f0r d@ $w33t mem0ri3$ & @ny c0mf0rt t@t u did r3c3iv3 b4...
d@ p@rt 0f d3gr@d3 0r in$ulting $hud n3v3r b3 3xi$t...
$uch @ r@nd0m m00d f0r m3 t0 c0m3 0ut with thi$ th0ught...

33,m0v3 ur @$$ & $t@rt p@cking l@...
u @r3 l3@ving t0nit3!!!
l0t$@ thing t0 d0 @ctu@lly..
g0tt@ b@th my b@by mi@o mi@o & $end him t0 @n0th3r m@m@...
th@nk$ m@ri@ b@b3...
g0nn@ mi$$ m@ mi@o mi@o...
t@t cut3 littl3 p3r$i@n lik3 hi$ m@m@...
g0t d@ mu$ic@l $3n$3..^__^
h@h@..wh3n3v3r i bl@$t th3 $0ng$,h3 @ctu@lly lying th3r3 & d@nc3 with hi$ fr0nt limb$...
$3mp@t g0l3k $ini g0l3k $@n@ pul@k...=___=""
h@h@..g0nn@ mi$$ him l0t$ thi$ 2 m0nth$...

d@ br@in n3v@ r3$t w3ll l@$t nit3...
@ll d@ n3ur0n$ r3m@in @ctiv3 $3nding th3ir impul$3$ 0f b@d thing$...
b@d,$uck$,idi0p@th3tic 3m0ti0n...

g0nn@ g0 f0r @n0th3r $h0pping $pr33 l@t3r...
g0tt@ hunt $0m3 $tuff$ f0r m@ pr@c...
g0nn@ 0ff t0 $@b@h f0r m@ pr@c 0n m0nd@y...
@m $till 0% in pr3p@r@ti0n..^___^
h3h3...gu3$$ @m 3xp3rt in p@cking th0...
th3$3 thing$ n3v@ bug m3...
c@n $3ttl3 m@ p@cking in b@r3ly 1 hr c0z b33n tr@v3lling l0tz...^__^
tr@v3lling i$ impl@nt3d in m@ $0ul...
fr0m $tudi3$,v@c@ti0n & @dv3ntur0u$ 3v3nt$,pr@ctic@l & tr@ining...
i l3ft m@ f00tprint$ @ll 0v3r d@ pl@c3$...

@lw@y$ b3 d@ pi3c3 0f l@nd which i w@nn@ $t3p my f33t 0n it @g@in...
w3nt l@bu@n t0 $tudy...
t@t'$ h0w i g0t @tt@ch t0 d@ l@nd n3xt d00r...
c0z i c0nqu3r d@ m0unt 0f KK,3nj0y d@ h0tspring,yummiliciou$ di$h3$,nic3 touri$m $p0t$ & d@ m0$t imp0rt@nt...i$
m@ @unty & d@ cut3 littl3 c0u$in$ 0f min3 @r3 th3r3...^___^
& @ctu@lly m0$t 0f m@ c0$m@t3$ $till t0t @m @ s@b@h@n!!
c0untl3$$ tim3 i h@d v3rifi3d @m @ $@r@w@ki3n!!
@m g0nn@ $t@y f0r 4 w33k$ f0r m@ pr@c...
2 w33k$ with dur0c thn...
2 w33k$ @l0n3...
@ft3r t@t...
m@ n3xt d3$tin@ti0n- L@ngk@wi!!
g0nn@ pr@c f0r 2 w33k$...und3rw@t3r w0rld^___^
g0nn@ b3 m@ 1st tim3 n0r...
@ft3r d@ 6 w33k$ pr@c...
h3h3...l3ft 1 w33k...
m@ pl@n?h3h3...
g0nn@ g0 m3l@cc@ ^__^
$@mbil l3p@k $@mbil m@k@n...piggi3 in @cti0n!!!
thn d@ l@$t d3$tin@ti0n 0f m@ $3m br3@k??
d@ p3@rl 0f 0ri3nt it i$...
it'$ f0r d@ holy chri$tm@$$...^___^

w@t @ full p@ck3d $3m br3@k rit3...
@m u$3d to it dy...
@m 3njoying m@ lif3...
liv3 lif3 t0 d@ full3$t!!! ^__^V


"i'll u$3 t0 it"

j$ @ $impl3 $3nt3nc3 t@t @ctu@lly dr@g m@ m00d d33p t0 d@ b0tt0m...

b33n @ h@bit 0f min3...

n3v3r m3@nt t0 n3gl3ct y3@...

j$ h@rd f0r m3 t0 ch@ng3...

tri3d t0 impr0v3 th0...


$till di$@pp0int3d y3@...

t@t $3nt3nc3 r3@lly burd3n m3...

dunn0 why...

j$ f33l d0wn...

c0z i c@nt d0 much t0 ch33r y3@ up...

1st of all,y3@h y3$ h00r@y!!! d@ torturing final exam is officially 0V3RRR!!Full $t0ppp!!which means that's d@ end of m@ 7 subject$,23 cr3dit hr$ p@th3tic j@m p@ck3d semester @l0ng with rotation$,practical$,clinical rounds n conference$..w@t @ gr3@t r3li3f!!! 33 i$ liter@lly fr33 n0w..^___^V

th3n..it w@$ d@ c@ll..h3h3..g@v3 m3 d@ "$w33t thing" which i n3v@ 3xp3ct..y3t,h3 w@nn@ cl@im b@ck =_=""
h@h@..i kn0w u dun m3@n it rit3..^__^

Ok@y..h3r3's d@ m@in thing b0ut thi$ p0$t..
actually,it was suppose to be just @ seafood dinner which was planned by @w t0 celebrate the end of our exam & semester..i was d@ 1st to be invited by her to d@ dinner b4 d@ fin@l exam started tho..
th3n i was told to give her @n e3rly b'day surprise..which we decided to buy @ cake t0 surprise her at the end of d@ dinn3r.@g@in..i'm d@ 0n3 who always giving 0ut d@ surprise & @$ d@ demon t@t gonna m3$$ with d@ b'day b@by...c0z i dun h@v3 to worry will g3t d@ payback from them..coz it's w@y too impossible for my b'day to have @ny celebration..
w3ll,born to b3 @ n0v3mb3r b@by..3nd of m0nth summore..t@t's m@ f@t3..0nly b'day wishes n belated presents..hmm..tat's y am easily satisfied with w@t3v3r i h@v3...nev@ 3v3r think 0f @ b'd@y surpris3 for 33..

w3ll..lik3 i $@id b4,p0ssibility is always @n infinity in lif3..

gu3$$ w@t...
t0d@y i$ d@ d@y!!
rit3 after we gave d@ unexpected surprise t0 @w..
i w@$ actually m3$$ing @round with j0$h,m@ri@ & tel..
sudd3nly i gl@nc3 across d@ table...
0h my..such @ lovely cake carried by @w...
w@$ w0nd3ring..huh?wh0 else having b'day s00n?
0k@y..th3r3 g03$..3@ch & everyone of them suddenly so serious n turn their glares at me..
thn d@ h@ppy b'd@y s0ng...
0mg..@m $0 t0uch3d!!!
@m $0o l0v3d by my fr3n$...
thi$ i$ m@ 1$t 3v3r b'd@y $urpri$3!!!
th@nk u s0o much my d3@r fr3nz...
h3@rtz u @ll $0o much...
@$ th3 c0nclu$i0n..
b0th n0v3mb3r b@bi3$ g0t th3ir un3xp3ct3d $urpri$3 fr0m 3@ch 0th3r...
h@h@..$uch @ funny situation..
& i b3t d@ r3$t @ctually holding their laughter in their heart!!s33ing this 2 $illy g@l$ f00l3d by th3m...^___^

@nyh0w,@m $0 3xcit3d...
c0z t0d@y i$ d@ m0$t h@ppy & sw33t m3mor@ble d@y thru 0ut tis f3w y3@r$...
@m $0o bl3$$3d...
@m $0o gl@d c0z fin@lly pl3@$@nt,$w33t m3m0ri3$ put @ w0nd3rful full $t0p t0 m@ 7th s3m3$t3r 0f 3duc@ti0n...
h@ppy h0lid@y & enj0y d@ pr@ctic@l m@ fr3n$!! ^___^

h3h3,h3r3'$ d@ l0v3ly c@k3 0f min3..
pr3$3nting d@ lucky $t@r j3lly c@k3 ^___^ yummiliciou$$!!
fed 3@ch 0f m@ fr3n$ d@ tiny littl3 cut3 $t@r..
h3h3..th3n m3? 0f c0$ d@ big $t@r!!!h@h@...

p/$:h@h@..0nly n0w i r3@li$3 d@ r3@$0n why u @ll $udd3nly c@n c0m3 0ut with @ light3r f0r @w'$ b'd@y c@k3!!in$t3@d 0f m3 t0 g0 g3t fr0m m@ c@r..=__=""0mg..@m $uch @ knuckl3h3@d & @ctu@lly @$k3d wh0'$ d@ $m0k3r t@t bring @l0ng light3r??n0 w0nd3r n0 0n3 @n$ m@ qu3$ti0n..h@h@..& n0 w0nd3r th3y g@v3 m3 d@ bl@nk l00k..h@h@..u @ll $0o cut3 4 n3@rly bu$t3d!!! h@h@h@....^____^

blu blu blu...

0op$$..dun mi$und3r$t0od y@...0.o

it'$ d@ blu m00d...


wh3n i g0t d@ h0n3$ty...

i w@$ d3light3d bitz c0z h3'$ fulfilling 1 0f d@ c0mp0n3nt$ ^___^

@ctu@lly i'm $upp0$3 t0 h@ppy n0r..

but,d@ idi0tic 3m0ti0n i$ m3$$ing @r0und @g@in...

ju$t c@nt $t0p my$3lf t0 think 0f d@ p0$$ibiliti3$...

t@t "1 d@y" r3@lly h@unt3d m3...

w@t if d@ m3m0ri3$ @r3 f0rc3full enuff t0 $3@l b@ck 3v3rything??


3v3rything b@ck t0 $qu@r3...

wh0 @m i t0 judg3 @ll th3$3 thing$??


m@yb3 t@t c@n r@i$3 m@ m00d bit bitz...

@nyh0w,@m $till gl@d 0f w@t i'm r3c3iving n0w...

d@ c0mf0rt...

$impl3 y3t $@ti$f@cti0n i$ th3r3...

n3v3r d@r3 t0 @$k f0r m0r3...


it'll k33p gr0wing...

& @m g0nn@ h@rv3$t d@ "fruit$" 1 d@y...


ju$t @n0th3r p0$$ibility...

which i$ @lw@y$ @n infinity...

h0w i wi$h...

th3r3's @n 3qu@ti0n t@t c@n c@lcul@t3 d@ p0$$ibility...


t@t'$ p@rt & p@rc3l 0f lif3...

which n33d to b3 $0rt 0ut,vi@

p@ti3nc3,f@ith,g00d EQ & F@T3!!

hmm..js r3cruit @n0th3r n3w $0ng t0 m@ pl@yli$t...

ch3ck 0ut d@ mv & lyric$...

thi$ $0ng i$ $0o tru3...

wh3n @ b0y d0n't und3r$t@nd hi$ g@l...

intim@cy,h0n3$ty,c0mmitm3nt,u,m3 & u$...

ju$t b@r3ly f3w c0mp0n3nt$ t0 $u$t@in @ w0nd3rful r3l@ti0n$hip...


m@j0rity 0f d@ c0upl3$ f@il t0 d0 $0...

h3r3'$ d@ lyric$ :

If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I’d roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I’d kick it with who I wanted
And I’d never get confronted for it
Cause they’d stick up for me

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

If I were a boy
I could turn off my phone
Tell everyone it’s broken
So they’d think that I was sleepin’ alone
I’d put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she’d be faithful
Waitin’ for me to come home (to come home)

If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I’d be a better man
I’d listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he’s taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed

It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong

But you’re just a boy
You don’t understand
Yeah you don’t understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man

You don’t listen to her
You don’t care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you’ve taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed
But you’re just a boy.

Nic3 $0ng rit3?/ ^___^


why d0 i n33d t0 b0th3r...

wh3n i d0n't 3v3n h@v3 d@ right t0 b0th3r...

pl$ d0n't cr0$$ d@ b0rd3r k...


3 m0r3 3x@m p@p3r$...

0b$t3tric 3x@m @t 8.30@m 2m0r0...


@m $till m00dy h3r3...


33,m0v3 ur br@in c3ll$ & $tudy!!!



Ju$t ch3ck3d d@ li$t f0r 0r@l t3$t 2m0r0...


w@t @ luck...

0f @ll th3 l3ctur3r$...

i g0t th3 m0$t n3ur0tic l3ctur3r @$ m@ 3x@miner..

f@m0u$ with h3r typic@l ir0nic $@rc@$tic@lly in$ulting r3m@rk...

h3ll y3@...

@m i @bl3 t0 $urviv3 2m0r0??


d@ 1st offici@l $ingl3 fr0m Nickelb@ck l@te$t @lbum-D@rk h0r$3

@n @w3$0m3 $ong...

m3@ningful lyric$...

0h my..@m li$tening 0v3r & 0v3r @g@in ^___^

thumb$ up!!@ddictiv3!!

Gotta Be Somebody.mp3 - Nickelback

H3r3'$ d@ lyric$:


i b3li3v3....

Gr3@t thing$ @r3 @cc0mpli$h3d with $l0w m0v3m3nt...

N0thing i$ @cc0mpli$h3d by $t@nding $till...


wh3n $tuck in c3rt@in thing$...

it's g0nn@ b3 @ r3li3f,if...

i ju$t $t0p w0nd3ring b0ut d@ futur3...

& b3 gr@t3ful 0f w@t i'm h@ving n0w...

n3v@ 3xp3ct t0 h@v3 m0r3...

ju$t m@int@ining i$ m0r3 th@n 3nuff...

n0b0dy s@id lif3 would b3 3@sy...

th3y ju$t pr0mi$3d it w0uld b3 w0rth it...


lif3 i$ t0 $h0rt f0r m3 t0 w@k3 up with r3gr3t$ @g@In...

ju$t pr0gr3$$ $l0wly & m0ving 0n...

c0z i n3v@ kn3w w@t's th3r3 f0r m3..

h@ppin3$$ 0r $0b3r??

it'$ @ll up0n G0d'$ will...




it's d@ m0m3nt...

which i $h@ll @lw@y$ b3 pr3p@r3...

wh3n th3 fl@m3 n0 l0ng3r th3r3...

m@ r0l3 @$ th3 c0mp@ni0n h@$ @cc0mplish3d...

ju$t g0nn@ w@lk m@ 0wn w@y @g@in...

t@lk t0 m3...

b33n $3@rching f0r thi$ $0ng $inc3 i w@tch d@ hk dr@m@-M0onlight R3$0n@nc3(highly r3c0mm3nd3d t0 w@tch!!)

fin@lly,f0und th3 link t0 d0wnl0@d..h3h3..$0 h@ppy ^____^

ju$t @ $impl3 $ong @l0ng with 1 l0v3ly in$trum3nt-pi@n0..

nic3 $0ng??

w3ll..h3r3'$ d@ mp3 d0wnl0@d link if u lik3 th3 $0ng..


W3ll..w3ll..1 pictur3 3xpl@ins @ll..

t@t'$ y m@ c0ur$3 i$ $0 bl00dy t0ugh..

but,i n3v@ r3gr3t & n3v@ giv3 up..

c0z..@ll th3 h@rd tim3$ g0nn@ tr@in m3 w3ll..^___^

2 fin@l p@p3r$ 0n d@ $@m3 d@y..5/11/08

33 will surviv3..^___^

D@ c0nv3rs@ti0n btw @ m0m & h3r d@ught3r:-

m0m: how's yea?still busy?

d@ught3r: erm..yea..busy & tired with exam coz of 3 consecutive papers within this 3 days(f33ling guilty c0z sh3 didn't c@ll h3r mommy fr3qu3ntly)

m0m: well,must take care n eat well ya..btw,anything happen to u lately?

d@ught3r:(pr3t3nd to b3 blur) huh?nothing ah...^___^

m0m: sure?h0w b0ut ur car?

d@ught3r: ohh..izit??who told u?hehe..no such thing la..(cr0$$ing fing3rs)..ok,gtg..my friend is waiting for me to go dinner..buh bye!

33,u @r3 such @ big f@t li@r!!

h@h@..@nyw@y this c@n c0n$id3r "b3utiful li3" rite?(@m ju$t c0mf0rting my$3lf ^__^)

hmm..t0 think 0f t@t @g@in..i @ctu@lly didn't li3 th0..ju$t @v0id d@ t0pic..=__=""

h3h3..ju$t wi$h $h3 w0n't @$k m3 @g@in..

@m $till pr3f3r t0 r3m@in @$ $3cr3t t0 my m0m since th3 @ccident @lr3@dy p@$t & $3ttl3d..

$il3nc3 t0 b3 h3@rd fr0m m3..

m@ 1st int3nti0n w@s t0 s33k f0r c0mf0rt..
but,@s th3 r3$ult..
2 $3nt3nc3$..
r3@lly $t@bb3d thru m@ h3@rt..
w@t t0 d0..
c0mf0rt 0wn$elf c0z i d0n't h@v3 th3 right t0 c@r3 y3t..
100% fl@wl3$$ hum@n i$ imp0$$ibl3 t0 $33k f0r..

Actually this post explained why i actually decided to blog out earlier what had happened to me past few days..

Woke up this morning,felt weak & headache coz can't sleep well last nite..i think after got my car fixed,i stop worried bout the damage of the car.But,end up my mind spare some space for the scene of the accident(scary honk & high momentum bang on my car)to slip into my mind..& it just keep encore in my mind..had continuous nightmare of the same thing..the sounds of the loud honk really makes me trembling whenever i recall it..actually i already noticed my problem when i was in my fren's car on the day of accident.but i able to neglect it coz i was tired of the accident earlier..well,guess this is what ppl called phobia.i do hope this feeling can fade away asap..
that's why i decided to post out my accident & hopefully can put a full stop on these unpleasant memory.

Finals really just right at the edge..yet i'm still progressing 0% in my study(once last minute,forever last minute in my study..no cure>.<).but,seriously really can't help myself to stop thinking of that accident and all the other bad incidents which happened to me through out this whole semester popping up in my mind again..sigh..

@m having bit sore throat dy..normally this is the sign before i fall sick..really pray upon all mighty God to grant me the health and boost up my immune system so that i will stay strong & healthy to survive thru my finals & the rest of my journey.
Going to fren's convo later..hmm..really hope my convo coming soon..graduate and go away from this unpleasant environment.

@m looking forward for a better day to come..

Well..here i am again.
Finally,decided to update ma long abandoned blog which also existed out of a blu moon..

17/10/2008-last day of rounds & rotation.
When i woke up that morning,actually i felt quite delighted(besides disappointed coz missing "something" last nite) coz today gonna be relaxing clinical rounds,conference & rotation.So decided to drive into UPM coz i wore a coverall..

Well,here starts the bad day of mine.Vehicle accident!!near my faculty area summore!!picture tat..just a few foots away,i can park my car & walk to faculty to attend the morning rounds.Just barely 2 sec after i heard the loud honk of the motorcycle,it already bang my car at the side before i even had the chance to look at who the hell that honk me..

i felt myself trembling at that very moment & my mind actually quite numb of what had just happened few secs ago..Then,confronted with that malay guy which ended he keeps blaming me that i came out from the wrong road instead i already make sure the safety distance b4 i cross the road and his the one that speed & hit my car!!damn..what to do..like my fren said in Malaysia,there's no point if u argue with a malay especially in front of the "justice" of police!!even my non malaysian fren from seychelles told me the same thing!

All he cares is cash for his damage..wtf!!how bout mine?even worst!!again..malay dude!!my concern at that time is either go for police report & claim insurance or just pay him cash..anyway,have to postpone the negotiation till noon coz both of us rushing time.
Went back to the car..felt so helpless & blank..hand still shivering badly..1st person to cross my mind..called him to spill out my fear.then on the way to faculty,called my uncle coz i dun wanna let my parent know(well,am not that kind of gal that keeps my parents worried bout me)..Well,he don't know much bout the procedure tho,but at least he can be my financial support if i really needed from this accident*Grinn*

I was 20 mins late to the rounds..sat at the back with my significant "hangus" face(thanks to the cap which help to hide my facial expression a bit da moment i pass thru the class)..tried to reach my insurance agent(obviously can"t!!)

Ratty gave me some help & comfort via sms in da class.After "che gong"(in hokkien which my fren that help me at last described me) quite some time..finally asked help from chicken.He fetched me to negotiate with that guy coz i dun dare to drive after that and sent my car to fix..paid that malay guy sum of money..there goes the unexpected spending of money due to this accident..not to mention the amount of repairing my car..sigh..speechless!! Decided not to go for police..1st reason i mentioned b4 and coz my finals is right at the corner and the procedure of claiming insurance just gonna cause my more burden.

Anyway,still A big thank God for still protecting me,my safety and not serious injuries of that guy..if not,these whole accident gonna be more dramatic n tragic..

Btw,got back my car last nite.Finally,the sick worried in my heart is gone.Just wanna express my greatest gratitude to my fren chicken,sweetie telma & her hubby for lending me the "urgent" help & of coz not to forget ratty dear & maria hon which really comfort me lots..also few frens which concern bout my accident..

hmm..yet another long unfortunate post for my 2nd entry in this blog..@m $till $t@nding $tr0ng h3r3!!!

Today is the darn bloody hell in my life..first time ever I cried the whole journey I walked back from the Bangunan pentadbiran till the faculty ..i cant even control my tears..the worst thing is that the officer don’t even want to listen to my explanation..i know it’s all my fault but why the hell he don’t even give a damn to my problem..he only cares about all the vow thingy..said I’m a 4th year student and I must be matured enough to follow all the rules..wtf..even if I can follow the rules but he said I must do it within the 3rd or 4th week which that time I still have to negotiate to get my course.I burst into tears when I felt the scariness creeping from the bottom of my heart.i already go through all the thing to get one of the course in order to catch up my syllabus..but why all the fucking bad thing keep happen to me..i been through too much up & down and I don’t know how much further I can take.

When tears rolled down to my cheek..I really wish I can control them.i thought the tear will stop when I reach the class but who knows the the moment I sat down..damn..it just keep flowing.i feel so embarrassed.it’s been a while since the last time I cried as mad as this..i cant concentrate in the class and my mind seems to be implanted with that very moment when the officer reject me cruelly and I burst into tears.whenever I recall it ,my heart can still feel the pain and chillness which really makes me cry. Thus I cant even bear to stay in the class n choose to escape the rest of the class..i don’t wish my coursemates to see me in this condition which might just be another topic for them to gossip around..which I damn fucking hate it. Friends?!yeah..some of them definitely will be there for me..but what else can they do?i don’t wish to burden my friends with my problem and actually as the matter of fact,they cant do much also besides listen to my problem.Starting from this semester,7th July,countless problems already happened to me..but I still manage to act normal in front of my friends and able to tackle each of the problem..am I really laughing when I laugh?only me and god knows what I’m thinking all the time..my friends said I have the hilarious laughter..but frankly speaking when I was never been through so much obstacles in my life,I never ever laugh like that..which means my laughter can be so fake till my friends can even laugh at my laughter..

While I’m writing this out,there are still few other stuffs which burden me..guess it’s all up to my own to tackle all the bloody problems..what a d@mn fucking teary day for me!!

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