D@ c0nv3rs@ti0n btw @ m0m & h3r d@ught3r:-
m0m: how's yea?still busy?
d@ught3r: erm..yea..busy & tired with exam coz of 3 consecutive papers within this 3 days(f33ling guilty c0z sh3 didn't c@ll h3r mommy fr3qu3ntly)
m0m: well,must take care n eat well ya..btw,anything happen to u lately?
d@ught3r:(pr3t3nd to b3 blur) huh?nothing ah...^___^
m0m: sure?h0w b0ut ur car?
d@ught3r: ohh..izit??who told u?hehe..no such thing la..(cr0$$ing fing3rs)..ok,gtg..my friend is waiting for me to go dinner..buh bye!
33,u @r3 such @ big f@t li@r!!
h@h@..@nyw@y this c@n c0n$id3r "b3utiful li3" rite?(@m ju$t c0mf0rting my$3lf ^__^)
hmm..t0 think 0f t@t @g@in..i @ctu@lly didn't li3 th0..ju$t @v0id d@ t0pic..=__=""
h3h3..ju$t wi$h $h3 w0n't @$k m3 @g@in..
@m $till pr3f3r t0 r3m@in @$ $3cr3t t0 my m0m since th3 @ccident @lr3@dy p@$t & $3ttl3d..
$il3nc3 t0 b3 h3@rd fr0m m3..
u got car accident?
chuck said...
October 28, 2008 at 12:54 PM
sigh..yup>.< ju$t r3@d 0n th3n u'll kn0w d@ b@d luck 0f min3..p@th3thic!!
33 said...
October 29, 2008 at 10:31 AM