fin@Lly d3cid3d t0 cut m@ h@ir $h0rt $h0rt...
ph3w...@ft3r 3 y3@r$ 0f l0ng h@ir...
@m b@ck with d@ 0ld-d@y $h0rt h@ir punk..^___^
h3r3'$ m@ l@t3$T h@ir$tyl3...
@ n0t $0 wild h@ir$Tyl3 i wud $@y...h3h3...
g0tt@ p0tr@y @ g00d im@g3 @$ @ v3t-t0-b3 rit3*cro$$ing fing3r$*...=__=""
fuhlamak......wat a funky bob......especially at the last photo showing the back part....wahlau....steeep sloping..haha.....but its really even funkier with ur hair color...
at least more kuai kia...yay..i like..haha
Anonymous said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:19 PM
haha, u can make it more punk. look..
chuck said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:21 PM
hey...cant really see the right lateral view....cant wait to c tmr..haha
Anonymous said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:22 PM
h@h@...gu@i gi@ sud@h k@n??$33...33 c@n b3 @ g00d g@l @l$0 l@...^___^V
33 said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:22 PM
$i@l puny@ bud@k..g0t $ky vi3w,l3ft l@t3r@l vi3w & r3@r vi3W $till n0t 3nuff @h..h@H@......b3h t@H@n...@$k f0r right l@t3r@l??!!
33 said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:24 PM
h3y chucky..i h@v3 t0 c0ntr0l bitz..h3h3..g0t c0nf3r3nc3 $00n..$0,$till h@v3 t0 j@g@ im@g3 bit bitz..$0 @int t@t phunky dy..h@H@......
33 said...
August 4, 2009 at 10:28 PM