l0oong upd@t3....

fin@Lly @m d3t3rmin3d t0 upd@t3 ti$ p00r littl3 bl0ggi3 0f min3...
wh3r3 sh0uld i st@rt with??

i t0ld y3@ @ll in d@ pr3vi0u$ p0$t 0f m3 b3ing @$$ingn3d t0 @n @-h0l3 rit3...
gu3$$ w@t...
d@ @-h0l3 r3@lly c@u$3 n0n-$t0p ch@0$ t0 0ur gr0up!!!
@$$ m@n!!!!
i @lr3@dy $w3@rr lik3 h3ll $inc3 d@ 1$t incid3nt h@pp3n3d...

1$t w33k...
with0ut @ny d@mn guilt 0f r3$p0n$ibility,h3 0ff d@ hp & $l33p lik3 @ d3@d pig,whil3 th3 r3$t 0f u$ h@v3 t0 h@ndl3 hi$ c@$3$..
d@rn him...w3 w3r3 d@rn fr3@king 3xh@u$t3d k!!
i h@v3 3 p@ti3nt$ & @ll l0t$@ thing$ t0 c@r3 0ff..
& i n33d t0 pr3$3nt my c@$3 $umm0r3!!
th@nk g0d..my pr3$3nt@ti0n g0t @ g00d c0mplim3nt fr0m d@ d0c...
w3ll...h@rd work$ p@id...@$ l0ng @$ u kn0w ur c@$3$ w3ll...
i t0t@lly ign0r3 b0ut him..$@b@r....

n3@rly g0t int0 @ "c@t' fight t0w@rd d@ w33k3nd!!
w@$ fighting f0r 0ur gr0up t0 3$c@p3 d@ fluid r0t@...
d@ dumb g@l 0nly c@r3 b0ut h3r c0ur$3nit3 & 3xpr3$$ rud3 $tuff 0n m3!!
h3ll 0f @ dumb bitch...
$h3 @ctu@Lly n33d t0 f0ll0w my c@r t0 d@ c0ur$3nit3!! did $H3 r3@li$3 t@t wh3n $h3 $@id t@T t0 m3!!!
@n0th3r p@ti3nc3 n33d3d....
@v0id3d d@ fight c0z t3lm@ b@b3 pull m3 @w@y* r3c@lling h0w i b@dm0uth h3r in my c@r with t3l...3vil m3!!* it'$ g00d t0 3xpr3$$ ur f33ling rit3!!!....
thn d@ n3Xt d@y...
n0 $0rry @t @ll...y3t b3ing d3m@nding 0n m3...
h3ll 0f @ bi@tch..if n0t b3c0$ 0f thi$ r0t@ gr0up...
i w0n't 3v3n pull b@ck...
c0z @$ i r3c@ll i b33n $@m3 gr0up with h3r 0nc3..
$h3 tri3d t0 "tr@p" m3,h3ll n00...
it w@$ j$ @ 0n3 tim3 gr0uping,t@T'$ why i g@v3 h3r my d3@thfull gl@r3....
h@H@...it w0rk$....$c@r3d h3r...
h3ll0...think twic3 b4 u try t0 $3t m3 up!!!
@nyw@y..t@T'$ d@ $0 c@ll3d "c@t" fight...
& t0 b3 fr@nk....
i $till h@v3 t0 f@k3 @ $mil3 j$ t0 $urviv3 with thi$ r0t@ gr0up...

2nd w33k...
it'$ d@ r@di0l0gy r0t@...
d@ @-h0l3 d@r3 t0 b3 @n h0ur l@t3...
& t0t@lly ign0r@nt b0ut 0ur gr0up r3p0rt!
@m n0t $0 t3nd3r $m00th @$ d@ r3$t 0f d@ g@l$...k33p r3mind him nic3ly..
0ff my limit...& i j$ v0ic3 0ut "n0 m@tt3r wh@t u @ll d0 j$ r3m3mb3r t0 submit ur p@rt by frid@y"
i$ t@t c0n$id3r rud3??
H3LL N0...
gu3$$ w@t...
rit3 @ft3r t@t...h3 tri3d t0 initi@t3 @ fight..
b3ing nic3 0f m3...dun 3v3n b0th3r t0 qu@rr3l with @n @-h0l3!!
i t0t@lly ign0r3d him & w@lk 0ff!!!
huhu..Ign0r@Nt i$ @ bli$$!!
w3ll...@ n3@rly "d0g" fight th3r3...
j$ b3c0$ i d@r3 t0 v0ic3 0ut..& i g0t @ll thi$ $hit pr0b..
& d@ dumb0 @-h0l3 h@pp3n3d t0 put @ b@d impr3$$i0n 0f 0ur t3@mw0rk t0 0n3 0f d@ clinici@n..
d@mn him....
luckily d@ r3$t 0f u$ w3nt t0 $33 0ur 0wn clinici@N which 3v@lu@t3 u$...
Th@nk God $h3 kn3w it w3ll...
g0t b@ck 0ur m@rk$ fr0m d@ w@rd r0t@...
0f c0$ h3 g0t th3 w0r$t @m0ng @ll with hi$ @ttitud3...
& lucky m3..g0t d@ high3$t^__^

it'$ d@ 3rd w33k..
$urg3ry r0t@...
ph3ww...r3@lly @n @dr3n@lin3 pumping d@y$..
i $t@rt3d t@T 3@rly m0rning with my c@t $udd3nly g0nn@ c0ll@p$3...
th3n tri3d m@ b3$t with d@ d0c in d@ 3m3rg3ncy $t@T3 till i c@Nt 3v3n r3c@ll wh3n d@ h3ll i b33n $cr@tch by d@ c@t..
thn m@ c@t b3c0m3 @n ICU c@$3...
i h@v3 t0 m0nit0r d@ c@t fr0m 4@m till 7@m...
gu3$$ w@t..
@n0th3r @dr3n@lin3 ru$h 3pi$0d3..
$t@rt3d t0 c0ll@p$3 @g@in @r0und 5.30@m...
tri3d 0ur b3$t t0 r3$u$cit@T3...y3t..f@il3d...
pr0n0unc3d d3@th @t 5.50@m..
$igh..@ft3r @ll d@ h@rd w0rk...
$t@y3d b@c to $t@rt 0n my d@ily r0utin3 0f m0rning m3dic@ti0n t0 my c@$3$...
d@mn $hit m00d by t@T tim3..with d@ 3xh@u$t3d mind & b0dy..
w3ll..$kip d@ m0rning r0und t0 g3t $0m3 r3$t...
& d@ $h0cking n3w$ ri$3$ during d@ v3ry @ft3rn00n...
UPM c3@$3 @ll cl@$$3$ f0r 1 w33k!!!
d@mn...i h@t3 it $0oo much!!
c0z it'$ g0nn@ b3 @ bring f0rw@rd mid$3m br3@k!!!
$p0il3d @ll my pl@n with m@ f@mily...

n0t in d@ m00d of h0lid@y @t @lllllll.........
& i $till in d@ $urg3ry r0t@ wh3n d@ h0lid@y 3nd$!!
trying t0 l00k @t d@ bright sid3...
i m@n@g3 t0 r3pl3ni$h my $l33p...mmm...^____^

& i g0t @ n3w t0y!!
d@ initi@l pl@N w@$ t0 g3t @ c@m3r@...
h@H@...wh0 kn0w$...3nd up with thi$...
d@ LG @r3n@ KM900...
mimic$ @n iph0n3 y3t n0t r3@lly $0ftw@r3 $upp0rt3d...
m0r3 0f @ multim3di@ 3nj0ym3nt which $uit$ m3 b3$t..^___^V
much much t0 3xpl0r3 th0...

l@$t but n0t n0t l3@$t...
m@ f@mily c0ming 2m0r0!!!
y3@h....c@nt w@it t0 $p3nd tim3 with th3m....
$ick 0f uni ppl$ dy....


yo..gal hope that no more chaos in your group and enjoy your happy family time !

August 3, 2009 at 10:25 AM  

hey friend how are u there, thank for visit my new blogs, kinda refresh right, in interview style, i put all the bad people, the bad things inside my blogs with interview style. My life just like shit hectic and i don know what I m doing right now. busy there busy here, just like mania. Sometime I really want to kill those bastards and bitches who just troublemaker for the group assignment. They act like they are so clever and pro but in the end the just end up like clown. I think we should ignore those people for our good health ..haha... waiting for your next post..

August 3, 2009 at 10:57 PM  

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